Laugh and smile!
It's good for your health and brains!

Give this Frowning Qppie with the inscription:
"Everything has its two sides to look at"
to whomsoever you want to make smile
and let that person turn Qppie upside down
and surely Smiling and Laughing Qppie
will make the lips of that person
freely open with smile or laugh.
Qppie is a medicine that makes people bright.
Yes, always bright, provided that person
believes in this age-old maxim of life.












 The Message of Qppie

Hi, I'm not Mickey Mouse, nor Donald Duck. My name is Toyvie Tonic.
Some people call me Pannie Panacea, too.
Besides, I have some nicknames such as Aesopy, TovTovie, PovPov and TovTovie,
Recently I have got a new name, "dbqpie"! Listen to me, pal.  

 For you to live in this world with dignity and victory and inner peace and love and good will, we will be happy to give you this tonic or panacea. "TOYVIE(Turning Of Viewpoint In Everything) TONIC"or "PANNIE(Positive And Negative Natures In Everything) PANACEA" will always remind you of this new way of life which you have well known and nevertheless so many times failed to remember. These names all indicate a look which shows itself differently when turned upside down. This smiley has in itself the unhappy frowny also .  On the other hand the frowny surely depicts the happy smiley behind its curtain. This knowledge is certainly a wisdom of life. And this look shows the truth - everything has its two sides to look at. So we have also named this smiley-frowny "Aesopy" meaning "Aesop's Look" or "Aesop Look", since it gives us one of life's maxims as simple and noble as the fables of Aesop the Wise.

One of the chief problems that people have to face today is that of discouragement. When things are not going very well, when all that happens seems adverse, then discouragement often strikes. And the number one rule to apply when things do not seem to go well is this. Do not react by becoming discouraged - ever! Never permit yourself to take a discouraged attitude toward any situation - because there is a way out, there is a solution. And that solution is really very simple. Also it is very wonderful. In fact it is almost miraculous. It is a technique that anyone can employ and it does wonders for all who apply it.

It is simply this: change your attitude; change your slant of mind; change your mental and spiritual approach. Changed attitudes can change things for you or for anybody.  Therefore, when you adopt that attitude of POSITIVISM and apply it to any situation, social or personal, you find that the darkness begins to fade and the light begins to come through. So what we really need is a lighted-up mind, a turned-about viewpoint, so that attitudes are changed. And these changed attitudes will change things for you. How does this work out? Well, as you¡¯ve heard many times, one of the secrets is to change from a negative attitude to a positive attitude. When you have a negative attitude, what happens? It actually begets negative results. When you send negative thoughts out into the world around you, you do a very dangerous thing: you activate the world around you negatively.

There is a law - everything has its two sides to look at - bright and dark or the negative side and positive side. Men sometimes are apt to look at the one side only, ignoring the other side totally different. If you look at the negative side you dangerously ignore the positive side of it and if you look at the positive side you are perilously blind to the negative side of it. Everything, every person, and you yourself. Your own self has those two sides. The future also has its own two sides for everyone of us.

There is also a law known as the law of attraction, meaning that like attracts like. So if you send out negative ideas and attitudes, what are you going to get back? Negative results and circumstances, as certainly as there is the sun in the heavens; that is just the way it will work. If, on the contrary, you have a positive attitude, you activate the world around you positively and you draw back to yourself positive results. Why, that would send ripples of positivism flowing everywhere.

You feel unhappy feeling toward others? There surely are some amiable aspects in that person and if you look at them your attitude will change. If you feel discouraged whenever you think of yourself you had better look at your other self - the other self which has some amiable merits which you have so far failed to recognize. Those aspects are enough to encourage you to stand aright again with your head high lifted up. The future seems too much gloomy to you? Well, it surely has the other side to be looked at - sunshiny enough to give you the happiness right needed.

The conditions still wouldn't be easy - of course not - but nevertheless positive results would begin to emerge everywhere. This is also true with human beings individually as it relates to their attitudes. If you send out positive thoughts of faith, if you love people, if you believe in people, if you have a strong attitude of faith and optimism, if you send these thoughts out, this conditions the world around you positively and on the basis of the law that like attracts like you get positive results. It would seem magical if it weren't spiritual. Nothing spiritual is magical, but what you can do by shifting your attitude from negative to positive is as astonishing as magic.

So the first step toward changed attitudes which change things for you is to believe without wavering that everything has its two sides to look at. This is true, a truth of life. Then the second step is to get yourself changed so that you think positively, not negatively, because negative begets negative and positive begets positive. If you are full of negativism, turn your viewpoint to the positive side of the thing, the people or the future.  The third step is to take an attitude of love and good will toward other people. The forth step is not to ignore the negative side at the same time always preparing yourself for that side or aspect of life.

Change your attitude toward other people and other people will change their attitude toward you. Your attitude toward the people who are around you is always bound to transmit and communicate itself. They say that dog knows when you don't like him. Well, if a dog knows when you don't like him, won't a human being, who has more sensitive antennae, become aware of your feeling? Moreover, if you take a negative attitude of dislike toward others, this itself has a backlash upon you. You actually come presently to not liking yourself. So - you change situations and conditions and people by a changed attitude, which will change everything for you. You will warm up this big, cold world and bring marvelous blessings to yourself. Changed attitudes will really change things for you.

 The Second Message of Qppie

At the same time, the following message is important, too. PovPov and its kins including PovPovie are all good reminders of the fact that every positive side also has its negative side. Therefore you should not be puffed up remembering that you also have your negative side that will make you humble enough. You should not be too much elated remembering that the situation in which you are now situated and the future you are looking into have their own negatives as well, which you will in no wise be boastful of. Be careful not to feel the bitterness of disillusionment when you find out at last the demerits of someone that you have so far trusted in. One of the lessons of life you ought to study is how to overcome these odd odds.