toyvie" or "pannie" for education
Let your children be familiar with Tovie and learn thoroughly that life has always two sides to look at. And let them be reminded of that life-maxim whenever they look at Tovie as they grow up. This Simple Scheme of Smilie is fit for this purpose. We need such reminders in our daily life because we are so often forgetful about the truth we have known. Life has always two sides to look at - People without exception have their two sides to consider - Even myself has two sides to be considered, the bright one and dark side, etc. Turning of mind or changing of thoughts and viewpoints is very important. Let your children concentrate on their school work with this positive view points toward people, situation, future and also themselves with this Reminder always beside them - say, on the covers of their notebooks or on their underlays(pads inserted under their note-book sheets) or on their T-shirts, school bags, etc.
Why " Tonic" or "Panacea"?
"Tonic" and "Panacea" are words used for medical cure. And the names of "Tovie Tonic" and "Pannie Panacea" have followed the pattern of Mickey Mouse or Donald Dug. The reason why we have attached such words as Tonic or Panacea to Tovie or Panacea is that this simple scheme of smilie would be able to help the sick to have peace in mind, hope for the future and valor for what they are doing. It is because the positive side of thinking provides the inner strength for people to overcome their handicaps of body and spirit. Too often they are downcast and lose their health in body and spirit because there is only one side of life, and so if they face the negative side of things they usually give up to search the other side of it. They imagine their misfortune will last forever and never end. Just Imagination. Therefore, contrary to the Fact.
It would be helpful for the patients to look at these Tovie or Pannie and try to have the positive side of things and thoughts. Mind cures body. Twisted mind, in a sense, is the root of all ill-health.
Simple though it is, this smilie of Tovie or Pannie will really be a good medicine and good doctor to them like specially made Tonic or Panacea. Will to be made whole and get healthy, will to survive and will to overcome whatever things to come tackling them on the way of recovery will be decidedly the factor of victory better than anything else.
The Bible says: "A merry heart does good like medicine(or, makes medicine even better) but a broken spirit dries the bones."(Proverbs 17:22).
"shallong" for Children
The importance of talking with
one another in one another's shoes - this is the secret for living together
in harmony. With each other's eyes(viewpoint) and with each other's lips(expression)
we have no problems that cannot be solved. And this SHALLONG which expresses these is a reminder for this truth. Let our children
be familiar with this reminder of family-peace, neighbor-peace and world peace.
The Bible says:
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would
that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the
prophets.(Matt. 7:12)
Don't Cry Argentina ...
Rainbow + la + Argentina
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