"Not Hong Kong, but Haung King!"
"Not King Kong, but Queen
A name familiar?
Besides, it sounds oriental as well.


His/her ten toes are even clenched full ready to kick hard and give a hard blow ....

Haung Gil Dong was born some hundreds of years ago as a bastard. As a young man he was painfully conscious of this fate of his unhappy birth.  He was confronted with all kinds of odds and barriers against him.  In a word, the society did not receive him and he found himself a total castaway in his country. This young man, however, turned his viewpoints and began to look at the other side of the situation.  So he tried to go overseas and pioneer his own fortune. He gathered young men around him and went to the sea as far as the Okinawa Islands and there he conquered the inhabitants and became their king.  Even today the islanders there remember his name as King Haung or Haung King.  His is a favorite name among the youngsters here in Korea. Did Ceasar say that he rather wanted to be the head man in a small town than to be the second man in a country?    

We are apt to face one side only and cleave to it even though there are many sides of aspect in life. And so doggedly people try to pass through that side of barriers alone, that shut door, in spite of the fact that there are many doors wide open if only they turn their eyes around. If that door would not open they easily come to the conclusion that the world is black and blank so far as they are concerned.  Therefore they would kill themselves and being frustrated give up all hope. Just turn your mind and viewpoint - this is what King Haung teaches you. Haung King realized that all of the doors were shut for him in his own country. So he began to look abroad. He took a drastic turnabout. He went to the sea and found a land of milk and honey to see his dreams fulfilled. If you are not satisfied with your present status quo seek other sphere of life and you will soon become a king or queen in that specified field of life.

A fly flew into a room through the chink of an opened window only screened by a pane of gauze. The fly then wanted to go back outside. But owing to the gauze he failed every time the miserable insect tried to escape only to bump against the damned gauze. Again and again, over and over, the poor fly failed in his desperate effort. Then, lo and behold, the fly changed his mind. He made his mind to forget his misery and to pioneer a new frontier. He at once turned his body - took a radical turnabout. Turning about, this fellow began to face widely opened door. He realized now that the desired opportunity had been right at the back waiting to be found. It was THERE and only he could not see it as long as he sticked to his STATUS QUO. Many families have been cracked nowadays by the crazy cyclone of divorce and it is because the wives and husbands cleave only to that one side of barrier, like the fly, being blind to the doors wide open right behind them awaiting to be found.

You have your own potentiality to become a king or queen in your specified sphere of life if only you like the fly turn about to face the right direction. You remain a slave still to a Master which you do not really want to serve while you have all of the merits God-given to be independent and rise to King or Queen triumphantly. King Haung on one side represent the anger, frustration, hostility, etc. as the result of sticking to one side only like the fly while King Haung on the other side shows the transformed attitude and changed result. This shows that you have the power within you and also opportunity to exercise such power awaiting for you.

Through this King Haung or Queen Hawng Doll let your children learn this important life - truth. Let them face life courageously and be a winner in the specified field they would choose in the future. Queen Hawng or Hawng Queen is for girls. while King Haung is for boys.



Copyright ¨Ï 1999-2005 by Kwon Tayseek